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Hide data behind the Image (Steganography Technique)

hide data behind image

What is Steganography?

In common worlds Steganography is a Technique for Hiding an object (like text, image, file etc.) behind another object. So no one can access your files rather than you. For Example you can hide a text file (that is written in notepad) behind an Image and when you open this file only image is shown; no one can see your text. But if you see your text, you can do it. How Can It Possible? Just read below....

How can it helpful for you?

If you want to hide your password file that is written in notepad, microsoft word, microsoft excel etc. than it is possible to hide this file behind an image file. so no one can trace that where you keep your all passwords.

Is any Software required?

No, For this simple Trick no one software required. It's just a simple command prompt tricks. If you can do this at advance level, than you required some software.

How can You Do It?

Now I am shown a simple example to hide a text file behind an image file. You can just follow below steps and enjoy this simple but exciting trick.

For Example I have a text file in which I stored my email address and their password. Yes this file is quite important for me.
So what things I required...
1. my password file name as password.txt
2. an image file name as beautiful.jpg
3. and command prompt.

My password file view like this 

password file

My Image file view like this

Now It's time to Apply Tricks
Open command prompt
then go to your file location, I have keep my file on desktop so I am going on Desktop using..
>CD desktop
Then type this line

copy /b beautiful.jpg + password.txt output.jpg

Here copy /b is used to bind a file with another file
beautiful.jpg is a file that only see after data hiding, this file must be preceded with a file that you must be hide.
password.txt is a file that keep passwords, it must be followed by image file.
output.jpg is an output file that create with the combination of above both files.
Now when you open output.jpg file using double click it see likes beautiful.jpg file, but it also keep something special. Now the Question is How to view password file.
So Now I am reveal secret. Just open output.jpg file As notepad. OR just drag and drop output.jpg file in notepad window. You see an unreadable file. Go to and the end of file.
Now what are you thing about this.

secret file that keep password and image both
The conclusion is you do not required any additional tool to protect your file from other you can do this without help of any additional software. If you want to hide complete folder than just compress the folder using WINRAR or any other application and follow same steps as above. Only use .rar or .zip rather than .txt in above example.